AS on Anderson Cooper 360°
Randi Kaye file a report on Asperger Syndrome on last night's AC 360°. I managed to miss it, but from what I've read on a AC community I belong to, it was a pretty superficial piece. I'm currently trying to find a copy to watch, and I'll update this post as soon as I've seen it. The transcript is not up yet, and as soon as it is I'll post a link.
Here's a link to the AC 360° blog post about the story: Sensory Overload Leads to Bad Buzz. There are some interesting comments to the post, and hopefully mine will show up sometime today.
ETA: It was an interesting piece about a young woman with Asperger Syndrome, and it focused mainly on her Sensory Integration Dysfunction rather than AS. In her interview, she said that Aspies don't like to be touched, but my son loves to cuddle, and sometimes is inappropriately affectionate. It would have been nice if the piece had touched on therapies for Aspies. It was interesting that the young woman had a service animal, a dog, who helped her anxiety and could help her to her car if she became overwhelmed. I'd never thought of that. She's a dog trainer, and she trained her own dog to help her. I have the clip stored on my computer. If you're interested in seeing the clip, just let me know and I'll upload it for you.
ETA: *smacks forehead* I forgot to post the link to the transcript.
Here's a link to the AC 360° blog post about the story: Sensory Overload Leads to Bad Buzz. There are some interesting comments to the post, and hopefully mine will show up sometime today.
ETA: It was an interesting piece about a young woman with Asperger Syndrome, and it focused mainly on her Sensory Integration Dysfunction rather than AS. In her interview, she said that Aspies don't like to be touched, but my son loves to cuddle, and sometimes is inappropriately affectionate. It would have been nice if the piece had touched on therapies for Aspies. It was interesting that the young woman had a service animal, a dog, who helped her anxiety and could help her to her car if she became overwhelmed. I'd never thought of that. She's a dog trainer, and she trained her own dog to help her. I have the clip stored on my computer. If you're interested in seeing the clip, just let me know and I'll upload it for you.
ETA: *smacks forehead* I forgot to post the link to the transcript.
At 11:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
I found your blog while searching for designs to use on a Mother's day card my son and I were making for my wife. Since then I have read some of your blogs because my son is 16 and has Asperger's. I wanted to comment on this one because not wanting to be touched and wanting to touch can go together. My son is closest to me and he can't keep his hands off of me sometimes. He wants to cuddle next to me when watching TV or hold my hand out in public. I know this has nothing to do with sex and that he just loves his father deeply. On the other hand if I came up to him and held his hand or put my hand on his back he may pull away and start cleaning his hands with hand sanitizer. I don't know as much as I would like to about Asperger's, but I love him very much and I've found that leading my son instead of pushing him has been the best way for him. He's in tenth grade special education and is reading at about fourth grade level. Thank you.
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